Bosch se2050 Central Console Software for 5000 Subscribers

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Product Highlights
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    • Standard Windows based interface
    • Support for IP based connection
    • Automatic redundancy switching between master and slave computers
    • Printer (with XPS and GDI format) and page support
    • Shows alarm location, name, picture, and additional subscriber (user) information

The central console is the control center for the Security Escort System and consists of one personal computer. Use a second computer for back up if desired. The SE2000 Series software includes the SE2005, SE2010 and SE2050 software. All SE2000 series software modules receive alarms from the transponders, locate the transmitter that produces the alarm, and identify the person or item using the transmitter.

The central console also monitors the entire system and reports component or system faults by displaying the identity and location of the user (subscriber) or item on the screen. The messages provide instructions for the dispatcher or key operator. All alarms and trouble messages are logged in memory and can be printed. The central console contains all of the operating software and all of the databases required by the Security Escort Systems. All operations on the central console computers are password access controlled. Passwords might have different authority levels assigned by installing company personnel or the security department’s key operator.


  • Standard Windows based interface
  • Support for IP based connection
  • Automatic redundancy switching between master and slave computers
  • Printer (with XPS and GDI format) and page support
  • Shows alarm location, name, picture, and additional subscriber (user) information
  • Several databases record subscribers (users) or assets, system events, or component addresses
  • Multiple password-protected security levels
  • Expandable to 5,000 or more subscribers (users)
SKU  se2050
Manufacturer  Bosch
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